Der Badminton-Sieger von 2015, DSP-Hengst Chilli Morning ist im Alter von 20 Jahren gestorben.
Sein letzter Auftritt unter seinem Reiter William Fox-Pitt war bei den Olympischen Spielen in Rio 2016, wo sie Platz 12 belegten. Bei den Weltreiterspielen in Caen wurde das Paar Bronzemedaillengewinner der Einzelwertung. Im Alter von 12 Jahren übernahm William Fox-Pitt den Hengst von Nick Gauntlett, der mit ihm bereits in Burghley und in Luhmühlen in CCI5*-L Prüfungen am Start war.
Zuletzt stand der Fuchshengst auf der Anlage von Gemma Tattersall. Der Hengst stand wohl morgens noch auf dem Paddock und brach dort tot zusammen.
Sie vermeldete die traurige Nachricht bei Facebook: „Lisa and I are very sad to say that Chilli Morning has passed away this morning. He had been hacking over the weekend and yesterday as normal, and was in his own turnout paddock this morning when he suddenly collapsed. He died instantly.
Chilli was known and loved around the world as the most successful stallion the sport of eventing has ever seen. His competition record was outstanding and he was also very successful as a sire. However, his biggest impact for Lisa and me has been the most amazing memories he has given us.
Thanks to all those who cared for him over the years, especially to the team at Fox-Pitt Eventing and more latterly to Gemma, Charlotte and the team here at Tattleton.”
It goes without saying that we are all heart broken today. We loved and cherished this boy more than anyone will ever know and are the luckiest team in the world to have had the privilege of looking after such a wonderful horse. We are also incredibly lucky to have some of his special babies here with us who we have no doubts will follow in their father’s footsteps! Goodnight Chilli, sleep tight ❤️“